Ana Nicolau Ana Nicolau

Recovery Tools at Elevate: What They are, when and how to use!

Welcome to Elevate's guide on recovery tools! Whether you're an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply someone looking to enhance their recovery routine, understanding the array of tools available can significantly impact your performance and overall well-being. In this post, we'll delve into some of the most effective recovery tools offered at Elevate, including Normatec Boots, Game Ready, and more. Discover what these tools are, when to utilize them, and how they can optimize your recovery process for peak performance. Whether you're rehabilitating an injury, training intensely, or simply seeking relaxation, Elevate has the tools to support your journey towards optimal recovery.

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Ana Nicolau Ana Nicolau

Off Season: How to Prioritize Recovery

In the off-season, prioritizing recovery is one of the most important things athletes should be doing. Here are a few tips and some things you can do to make sure you’re prioritizing recovery to the best of your abilities!

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