Physical Freedom has a different meaning for everyone. Physical Freedom is the ability and confidence to do what you want with your body. To our professional athletes, physical freedom might mean they depend on their bodies to perform at the highest level to compete in their respective sports. A stay-at-home mom might want to look better, feel better, and have enough energy to keep up with her kids. For the person that is post-surgery or dealing with pain, their physical freedom means being pain-free again to enjoy life. Each of these individuals has a different identity to what physical freedom means to them, but the one thing they have in common is knowing what it feels like to have that physical freedom taken away.
We are cash-based to provide the best treatment and timelines possible. We want to help you as soon as we can! A superbill and guidance on how to work with your insurance are provided.
Yes! You can use an FSA or HSA for your visits with us.
A typical physical therapy office requires you to visit 2-3 times per week with a copay-pay of $40 per visit is $120 a week. For slightly more, you only need to see us once a week. This saves you a lot of time driving to and from visits, taking time off from work and with your family. More importantly, in a typical PT office, you are seen with several patients simultaneously. You see the Physical Therapist for a few minutes and then are passed to a tech and released into a general gym space to complete your generic one size fits all exercises. ALL sessions with us are one-on-one with the Physical Therapist for the entire hour, and each person receives a customized plan to fit their needs.
We typically see big changes in as little as 3 visits. After your initial assessment, your Elevate Provider will provide you with a recommendation based on your need. The majority of our clients come in to either fix their pain, recover from injuries, or tune-up their bodies as part of their monthly routine. If you are in pain, our therapists will be able to provide a more specific recommendation catered to your needs.
No, our goal is to help those that want to be better and utilize our team. If you feel we are not the right fit, you can cancel your membership with no penalties. We only ask for 30 days’ notice.
We have no idea…. YET! The most important part of our process is getting to know you, your goals, and what you like or need. Our 30-minute complementary Discovery Session will help us determine the best option for your success.
All our sessions are coach-led. We coach you on how to train optimally to reach your goal as fast as possible while minimizing risk.
FST is Fascial Stretch Therapy. It is a full body stretch that stretches multiple joints at once. The best part is it doesn’t hurt. Also, you keep your clothes on for this treatment. It’s suitable for before or after workouts or to destress.
We have memberships that include access to our entire team and services, but you can also access our medical, training, and recovery services a la carte.
Our medical team will get you out of pain and to Physical Freedom by treating you with: Physical Therapy, chiropractic joint manipulations, myofunctional therapy, sleep hygiene, nutrition coaching, cupping, dry needling, functional movement, Graston, pin and stretch, neuromuscular re-education and therapeutic exercises.
We work with all types of athletes. From youth to professionals - all levels. All sports as well - field, team, and individual athletes. We use our assessment process to identify the needs of each athlete and put together a program customized to them.
Absolutely! Our assessment process will help us understand what’s going on with your injury and how to train while treating it. We will know what you can and can’t do while in pain.
It’s a complimentary appointment for a coach or doctor to listen to YOU! The 30-minute session gives our team an understanding of your goal so we can move forward with the best plan for YOU!
The assessment gives our team the information to understand what you need to achieve your goals and how to achieve them the fastest.
Our team uses cupping, sports massage, adjustments, taping, dry needling, fascial stretch therapy (FST), scraping, and active release therapies (ART) to name a few
Yes, we have digital fitness and performance memberships and Telehealth for injury rehab.
We're always looking for the best talent! Please visit our careers page to submit your application for your desired role. We’re currently hiring licensed therapists and guest experience members for our Sunset and Eastern locations.

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