Massage Therapy

Recovery is just as important as training hard.

A typical massage is often one extreme: too light to feel effective or so intense it leaves you bruised.

What if a massage and body care could be more than that? What if you could have a body care program tailored to your needs on a given day? What if you had a choice?

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That’s how our Massage and Body Care program differs from the rest. We take the time to listen to your story and body, catering your recovery session to your needs. You get an intake like none other. Whatever your body tells you that you need, we can give you.

A customized hour built just for you!

Who is our Massage and Body Care Program for?

Are you someone who:

  • Is stressed to the gills and need to shut the world off for an hour?
  • Not sleeping well and need extra recovery?
  • Is a high performer who needs to create balance in your training and active lifestyle?

Then our Massage and Body Care program is perfect for you. We have a wide variety of means to help keep you living life the way you deserve. It’s massage therapy and then some!

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What techniques and treatments are included in our Massage and Body Care Program?

You need recovery support, but what if massage alone isn’t enough? Our unique Body Care Program combines tailored techniques and thorough assessments to keep you moving forward. Our offerings include:

  • Therapeutic massage - relax, destress, and unwind
  • Sports massage - an active approach for an active individual
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)
  • Normatec Boots
  • Cupping
  • Hypervolt Therapy Gun
  • Kinesiology Taping
  • Instrument - Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM/Scraping)
  • Game Ready Med4 Elite
  • Marc Pro
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What is FST?

Unlock your hips for better back health

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