Rob Ortiz demonstrating warm up exercises.
On Sunday, February 4th, we welcomed the UNLV Triathlon team and instructors for a small warm up workshop!
Lead by Rob Ortiz and Ted Girouard, who showed the importance of warming up your body before training. Warming up helps prevent injuries, increase mobility and longevity. These were mostly band-based warm up exercises, which were focused on helping with calf pain, shoulder pain, and feet pain.
The workshop was targeted for swimmers and runners specifically, but both instructors mentioned that all warmups are beneficial for whatever workout you’re going into!
Here are some of the warmups that were demonstrated:
Banded Internal/External Rotations
Banded Shoulder Extension
Big Toe Extension Stretch
Heel Elevated Towel Curls
Scapular Pushups
Banded Upright Row
Banded Clamshels
Banded Fire-Hydrants
Interested in learning more? Book your complimentary discovery session with Rob today!