Baseball Players: 3 Arm Care Exercises to Implement in Your Training - Elevate

Baseball Players: 3 Arm Care Exercises to Implement in Your Training

Posted on: July 30, 2024

Baseball Players: 3 Arm Care Exercises to Implement in Your Training

In baseball, maintaining strong and healthy arms is crucial for peak performance and injury prevention. Whether you’re a pitcher, catcher, or fielder, proper arm care can make a significant difference in your game. Incorporating specific exercises into your training regimen can enhance arm strength, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of common injuries. In this post, Coach Zack will introduce three essential arm care exercises that every baseball player should implement to keep their arms in top shape and perform at their best on the field.

Exercise #1: Rear-Delt Roll Out

This exercise is super simple yet very effective, and you only need a ball (tennis, baseball, lacrosse; as long as it’s a small and sturdy ball) and a wall.

Finding a comfortable height, place the ball on the wall making contact with your body. Use the wall to guide the ball through the areas of your shoulder/rear delt as needed.
This is a great warmup option, allowing the muscles to be prepared for any future movement.

Exercise #2: Band Pull Apart

All you need for this exercise is a low-resistance band. Lay flat on the floor, heels close to your body.

Pull the band in a diagonal direction, apart from each other. Repeat 4 times for each side.

This exercise is another great way to warm up, helps with the deacceleration portion of your arm when it comes to throwing, and promotes good arm path.

Exercise #3: Rolling Arm Bar

Grab a lightweight kettlebell or a dumbbell (whichever you feel most comfortable with). Lay flat on the ground.

For your starting position, pick a working side. Bring your knee up to a 90-degree angle, and with the same hand on that working side, you should be holding your weight.

Bring your lifted knee over your body to the opposite side while keeping your arm straight. Do not turn your torso as you bring your knee to the opposite side.

Come back slowly, and repeat this 3-4 times on each side.

This exercise is great for shoulder stability, shoulder and hop disassociation, and promotes expansion in the upper body.

When it comes to arm care, it is important to constantly prioritize it to reduce the risk of injuries. Not only are they are a great way to keep you safe, they’re also amazing warm up exercises that are simple to implement into your training. Try out these exercises and tell us how you feel!

If you’re interested in learning more, or working with Coach Zack, schedule your complimentary discovery session!